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A Treasury of Foolishly Forgotten Americans: Pirates, Skinflints, Patriots, and Other Colorful Characters Stuck in the Footnotes of History The Boy Who Loved Anne Frank: A Novel Feldman, Ellen One Thousand White Women: The Journals of May Dodd Fergus, Jim Once Upon a Marigold Ferris, Jean Still Life Fielding, Joy The Glassblower of Murano Fiorato, Marina Incarceron (Incarceron, #1) Fisher, Catherine Mrs. Lincoln and Mrs. Keckly: The Remarkable Story of the Friendship Between a First Lady and a Former Slave Fleischner, Jennifer Ten Cents a Dance Fletcher, Christine * A Kiss in Time Flinn, Alex Cloaked Flinn, Alex Nice to Come Home To Flowers, Rebecca The Fire of Ares (Spartan Warrior, #1) Ford, Michael The Gypsy Crown (The Chain of Charms, #1) Forsyth, Kate * Juliet Fortier, Anne Raven Queen Francis, Pauline Lowcountry Summer: A Plantation Novel Frank, Dorothea Benton * Shadows on the Aegean Frank, J. Suzanne Thirteen Moons Frazier, Charles Lush Friend, Natasha Sphinx's Princess Friesner, Esther M. Sphinx's Queen (Sphinx's Princess, #2) Friesner, Esther M. Mercury in Retrograde Froelich, Paula * Sweetsmoke Fuller, David The Russian Concubine Furnivall, Kate Outlander (Outlander, #1) Gabaldon, Diana Wild at Heart Gaffney, Patricia Rattled Galant, Debra * Beautiful Creatures (Caster Chronicles, #1) Garcia, Kami * I, Coriander Gardner, Sally The Silver Blade Gardner, Sally Room 13 Garfield, Henry In the Arms of Immortals: A Novel of Darkness and Light (Chronicles Of The Scribe, #2) Garrett, Ginger People of the Thunder (The First North Americans, #16) Gear, W. Michael What the Deaf-Mute Heard Gearino, G.D. Lady of the Reeds Gedge, Pauline Dragon Slippers (Dragon Slippers, #1) George, Jessica Day * Eat, Pray, Love Gilbert, Elizabeth The Graphic Design Exercise Book Glaser, Jessica Celebutantes Goldberg, Amanda Poison Ink Golden, Christopher * When Rose Wakes Golden, Christopher * The Diamond of Drury Lane (Cat Royal, Book 1) Golding, Julia Dragonfly Golding, Julia Ace of Cakes: The Book Goldman, Duff Cupidity Goode, Caroline Eon: Dragoneye Reborn Goodman, Alison The Night Villa Goodman, Carol * Arcadia Falls Goodman, Carol * Salome Gormley, Beatrice The Last Queen: A Novel Gortner, C.W. * The Confessions of Catherine de Medici Gortner, C.W. * Deadly Night Graham, Heather The Tailor's Daughter Graham, Janice Black Ships (Numinous World, #1) Graham, Jo Hand of Isis (Numinous World, #2) Graham, Jo Pride and Prejudice and Zombies Grahame-Smith, Seth Mr. Darcy, Vampyre Grange, Amanda Evernight (Evernight, #1) Gray, Claudia Irish Gold Greeley, Andrew M. Shakespeare's Wife Greer, Germaine The Other Boleyn Girl Gregory, Philippa The Virgin's Lover Gregory, Philippa Picture the Dead Griffin, Adele * The Kitchen House Grissom, Kathleen Ape House Gruen, Sara Warped Guibord, Maurissa * Mistress of the Sun: A Novel Gulland, Sandra * Bound: A Novel Gunning, Sally The Rebellion of Jane Clarke Gunning, Sally The Perfect Royal Mistress Haeger, Diane The Secret Wife of King George IV Haeger, Diane Enna Burning (The Books of Bayern #2) Hale, Shannon The Actor and the Housewife Hale, Shannon The Line Hall, Teri * The Ten Best Days of My Life Halpern, Adena * Into the Wild Nerd Yonder Halpern, Julie * Zipporah, Wife of Moses: A Novel Halter, Marek The Emancipator's Wife Hambly, Barbara Homeland Hambly, Barbara Forever Hamill, Pete A Kiss of Shadows (Meredith Gentry, #1) Hamilton, Laurell K. Illyria Hand, Elizabeth Firefly Lane Hannah, Kristin * Magic Hour Hannah, Kristin * The Rose Labyrinth Hardie, Titania Dark Angel Harper, Karen Dark Road Home (Maplecreek Amish Trilogy #1) Harper, Karen The Queen's Governess Harper, Karen The Juliet Club Harper, Suzanne Clarity Harrington, Kim * False Mermaid: A Novel (Nora Gavin, #3) Hart, Erin * Becky: The Life and Loves of Becky Thatcher Hart, Lenore Blood Feud (The Drake Chronicles, #2) Harvey, Alyxandra * The Seance Harwood, John Nomansland Hauge, Lesley * Escape From Botany Bay Hausman, Gerald Hex Hall (Hex Hall, #1) Hawkins, Rachel * The Floating Island (The Lost Journals of Ven Polypheme, #1) Haydon, Elizabeth North of Beautiful Headley, Justina Chen Ivy Hearn, Julie Across the Nightingale Floor (Tales of the Otori, # 1) Hearn, Lian Into the Forest Hegland, Jean Wicked Girls: A Novel of the Salem Witch Trials Hemphill, Stephanie The Laws of Harmony Hendricks, Judi Shock Point Henry, April * Girl, Stolen Henry, April * Dune (Dune Chronicles, #1) Herbert, Frank Sex with the Queen: 900 Years of Vile Kings, Virile Lovers, and Passionate Politics Herman, Eleanor Mistress of the Vatican: The True Story of Olimpia Maidalchini: The Secret Female Pope Herman, Eleanor Mango Elephants in the Sun Herrera, Susana All Creatures Great and Small Herriot, James The Masqueraders Heyer, Georgette The Stolen Crown: The secret marriage that forever changed the fate of England Higginbotham, Susan * Spirit Hightman, J.P. The Enemy Higson, Charlie The Cry of the Icemark (The Icemark Chronicles, #1) Hill, Stuart I Will Plant You a Lilac Tree: A Memoir of a Schindler's List Survivor Hillman, Laura The Stepsister Scheme (Princess Novels, #1) Hines, Jim C. * Dragon Keeper (Rain Wilds Chronicles, #1) Hobb, Robin Second Nature Hoffman, Alice Pretty Face Hogan, Mary The Red Thread Hood, Ann Fallen Grace Hooper, Mary Confederates in the Attic: Dispatches from the Unfinished Civil War Horwitz, Tony Sister Wife Hrdlitschka, Shelley No Promises in the Wind Hunt, Irene The Seaside Letters (Nantucket, #3) Hunter, Denise * A Company of Swans Ibbotson, Eva The Morning Gift Ibbotson, Eva Geisha: A Life Iwasaki, Mineko Backseat Saints Jackson, Joshilyn The Friday Night Knitting Club Jacobs, Kate Nefer the Silent Jacq, Christian Marrying Anita: A Quest for Love in the New India Jain, Anita Dracula My Love: The Secret Journals of Mina Harker James, Syrie * Over a Thousand Hills I Walk With You Jansen, Hanna Lost Boy Jeffs, Brent W. The Kommandant's Girl Jenoff, Pam Escape Jessop, Carolyn Enemy Women Jiles, Paulette Pagan's Crusade: Book One of the Pagan Chronicles Jinks, Catherine The Reformed Vampire Support Group Jinks, Catherine The Treasure Johansen, Iris Claire de Lune (Claire de Lune, #1) Johnson, Christine The Tenth Gift: A Novel Johnson, Jane 13 Little Blue Envelopes (Little Blue Envelope, #1) Johnson, Maureen * Warrior Princess (Warrior Princess, #1) Jones, Frewin Time of the Eagle Jordan, Sherryl Firelight (Firelight, #1) Jordan, Sophie * Outside Beauty Kadohata, Cynthia Almost Single Kala, Advaita I, Mona Lisa Kalogridis, Jeanne The Devil's Queen: A Novel of Catherine de Medici Kalogridis, Jeanne The Scarlet Contessa: A Novel of the Italian Renaissance Kalogridis, Jeanne Sea Witch (Children of the Sea, #1) Kantra, Virginia * Summer Intern Karasyov, Carrie Fallen (Fallen, #1) Kate, Lauren * High School Debut, Volume 1 Kawahara, Kazune Sailing to Sarantium (Kay, Guy Gavriel. Sarantine Mosaic, Bk. 1.) Kay, Guy Gavriel The Heretic's Daughter Kent, Kathleen The Wolves of Andover: A Novel Kent, Kathleen Undercover Kephart, Beth * Newton's Cannon (Age of Unreason, #1) Keyes, Greg Brightest Star in the Sky Keyes, Marian Wanting Mor Khan, Rukhsana Flight, Volume 1 Kibuishi, Kazu * The Mermaid Chair Kidd, Sue Monk The Dust of 100 Dogs King, A.S. * Lady Macbeth: A Novel King, Susan Fraser The Poisonwood Bible Kingsolver, Barbara Can You Keep a Secret? Kinsella, Sophie Twenties Girl Kinsella, Sophie Meridian (Fenestra, #1) Kizer, Amber * The Pretty One Klam, Cheryl Girl's Guide to Witchcraft (Jane Madison, #1) Klasky, Mindy The Apothecary's Daughter Klassen, Julie * Lady Macbeth's Daughter Klein, Lisa M. Cate of the Lost Colony Klein, Lisa M. Strays Koertge, Ron The Red Queen's Daughter Kolosov, Jacqueline A Sweet Disorder Kolosov, Jacqueline The Forest Lord (Fane, #1) Krinard, Susan Child of the Jungle: The True Story of a Girl Caught Between Two Worlds Kuegler, Sabine Winter Moon Lackey, Mercedes Joust (Dragon Jousters, #1) Lackey, Mercedes Charmed Destinies Lackey, Mercedes Gwenhwyfar: The White Spirit Lackey, Mercedes And Less Than Kind Lackey, Mercedes Legacies (Shadow Grail, #1) Lackey, Mercedes The Sleeping Beauty (Five Hundred Kingdoms, #5) Lackey, Mercedes 1/15/11 Garlands of Gold Laker, Rosalind Schooled Lakhani, Anisha Tender Morsels Lanagan, Margo I Am Apache Landman, Tanya The Silent Gift Landon, Michael The Girls Lansens, Lori * Hannah (Daughters of the Sea, #1) Lasky, Kathryn Hood (King Raven, #1) Lawhead, Stephen R. The Convicts Lawrence, Iain Roanoke: A Novel of Elizabethan Intrigue Lawrence, Margaret Keturah and Lord Death Leavitt, Martine Piratica: Being a Daring Tale of a Singular Girl's Adventure Upon the High Seas Lee, Tanith Black Unicorn Lee, Tanith A Spy in the House (The Agency, #1) Lee, Y.S. Shoot the Moon Letts, Billie Thorn Levin, Betty The Blue Notebook Levine, James A. T4: A Novel LeZotte, Ann Clare The King's Rose Libby, Alisa M. * Girl, Barely 15: Flirting for England Limb, Sue Warrior's Woman (Ly-San-Ter Family, #1) Lindsey, Johanna Thirteen Orphans (Breaking the Wall, #1) Lindskold, Jane Little (Grrl) Lost (Grrl) Lost (Newford, #20) Lint, Charles de The Blue Girl (Newford, #15) Lint, Charles de The Sisters Who Would Be Queen: Mary, Katherine, and Lady Jane Grey: A Tudor Tragedy Lisle, Leanda de Darklight (Wondrous Strange, #2) Livingston, Lesley * The Carbon Diaries 2015 Lloyd, Saci True Talents Lubar, David Hero Lupica, Mike The Lies of Locke Lamora (Gentleman Bastards, #1) Lynch, Scott Steamed (Steampunk Romance, #1) MacAlister, Katie * Once a Witch (Witch, #1) MacCullough, Carolyn Collector's Guide to Early Photographs Mace, O. Henry The Merchant of Death (Pendragon, #1) MacHale, D.J. The Earth, My Butt, And Other Big Round Things Mackler, Carolyn Nine Rules to Break When Romancing a Rake(Love By Numbers, #1) MacLean, Sarah * Kitchen Chinese: A Novel About Food, Family, and Finding Yourself Mah, Ann * Not Without My Daughter Mahmoody, Betty The Magician of Hoad Mahy, Margaret The Legacy Malley, Gemma The Road of Lost Innocence: The True Story of a Cambodian Heroine Mam, Somaly Boys that Bite (Blood Coven, #1) Mancusi, Mari * Eyes Like Stars (Théâtre Illuminata, #1) Mantchev, Lisa * Finnikin of the Rock Marchetta, Melina Heart's Blood Marillier, Juliet * Seer of Sevenwaters (Sevenwaters #5) Marillier, Juliet * The Unidentified Mariz, Rae Omega Place Marks, Graham Ink Exchange (Wicked Lovely, #2) Marr, Melissa * Darkest Mercy (Wicked Lovely, #5) Marr, Melissa * Daughter of the Flames Marriott, Zoë * Uninvited Marrone, Amanda Revealers Marrone, Amanda The Night Tourist Marsh, Katherine I Know It's Over Martin, C.K. Kelly Homeplace Massie, Beth Rebecca Maurier, Daphne du Eyeliner of the Gods Maxwell, Katie The Wild Irish: A Novel of Elizabeth I and the Pirate O'Malley Maxwell, Robin To the Tower Born Maxwell, Robin Mermaid Park Mayall, Beth Shelter Me McAulay, Alex Bumped (Bumped, #1) McCafferty, Megan Changelings: 1 McCaffrey, Anne The Road McCarthy, Cormac Mary Jane Vol. 1: Circle of Friends McKeever, Sean Winter Rose McKillip, Patricia A. Dragonhaven McKinley, Robin Pegasus McKinley, Robin The Clone Codes McKissack, Patricia C. The Alchemist's Daughter McMahon, Katharine * The Rose of Sebastopol McMahon, Katharine * The Beach Street Knitting Society and Yarn Club McNeil, Gil Touch of Enchantment (Lennox Family Magic, #2) Medeiros, Teresa Lady in Waiting Meissner, Susan Where the Broken Heart Still Beats: The Story of Cynthia Ann Parker Meyer, Carolyn The Glass Word (Dark Reflections, #3) Meyer, Kai The Host (The Host, #1) Meyer, Stephenie The Murderer's Daughters Meyers, Randy Susan * Tiger Moon Michaelis, Antonia Lonely Werewolf Girl (Kalix MacRinnalch, #1) Millar, Martin Casanova in Love Miller, Andrew Forever and the Night (Vampire, #1) Miller, Linda Lael The Lost Crown: A Novel of Romanov Russia Miller, Sarah * Empress Orchid Min, Anchee Pearl of China Min, Anchee Darkfever (Fever, #1) Moning, Karen Marie Timeless Monir, Alexandra * Wedlock: The True Story of the Disastrous Marriage and Remarkable Divorce of Mary Eleanor Bowes, Countess of Strathmore Moore, Wendy Nefertiti Moran, Michelle * The Heretic Queen Moran, Michelle * Cleopatra's Daughter Moran, Michelle * Duck Prince Book 1: Transformation Morinaga, Ai The Mermaid in the Basement (Lady Trent Mystery Series #1) Morris, Gilbert Three Cups of Tea: One Man's Mission to Promote Peace... One School at a Time Mortenson, Greg * The Forgotten Garden Morton, Kate Labyrinth (Languedoc Trilogy, #1) Mosse, Kate Season Of The Witch Mostert, Natasha Winter's End Mourlevat, Jean-Claude Heart of Stone Murphy, C.E. Whispers from the Grave Murphy, Kim The True Story of Hansel and Gretel Murphy, Louise Nightpool Murphy, Shirley Rousseau Vulture's Wake Murray, Kirsty * Marie-Therese, Child of Terror: The Fate of Marie Antoinette's Daughter Nagel, Susan Ties That Bind, Ties That Break Namioka, Lensey Bound Napoli, Donna Jo The Smile Napoli, Donna Jo Jane Eyre's Daughter Newark, Elizabeth Asian Dumplings: Mastering Gyoza, Spring Rolls, Samosas, and More Nguyen, Andrea Her Fearful Symmetry Niffenegger, Audrey * Libyrinth (Libyrinth, #1) North, Pearl Spooky Little Girl Notaro, Laurie His Majesty's Dragon (Temeraire, #1) Novik, Naomi * The Vanishing Act of Esme Lennox O'Farrell, Maggie The False Princess O'Neal, Eilis * The Shadow Speaker Okorafor, Nnedi * Aurelia (Aurelia, #1) Osterlund, Anne * Academy 7 Osterlund, Anne * When the Emperor Was Divine Otsuka, Julie Rashomon Gate (Sugawara Akitada, #1) Parker, I.J. To Catch a Pirate Parker, Jade Belle in the Big Apple: A Novel with Recipes Parkhurst, Brooke Epitaph Road Patneaude, David Suzanne's Diary for Nicholas Patterson, James * Mr. Darcy Broke My Heart Pattillo, Beth Whistlin' Dixie in a Nor'easter Patton, Lisa DragonSpell (DragonKeeper Chronicles, #1) Paul, Donita K. * Sucks to Be Me: The All-True Confessions of Mina Hamilton, Teen Vampire Pauley, Kimberly * Tamar: A Novel of Espionage, Passion, and Betrayal Peet, Mal Dead Is the New Black (Dead Is, #1) Perez, Marlene * Wench Perkins-Valdez, Dolen * Crocodile on the Sandbank (An Amelia Peabody Mystery, #1) Peters, Elizabeth This World We Live In (Last Survivors, #3) Pfeffer, Susan Beth Voices of the Desert: A novel Piñon, Nélida Salem Falls Picoult, Jodi Wonder Woman: Love and Murder Picoult, Jodi Ruby's Spoon: A Novel Pietroni, Anna Lawrence Lost Voices (Lost Voices, #1) Porter, Sarah Me and Mr. Darcy Potter, Alexandra Julie and Julia: 365 Days, 524 Recipes, 1 Tiny Apartment Kitchen Powell, Julie Going Postal (Discworld, #33) Pratchett, Terry The Wee Free Men (Discworld, #30) Pratchett, Terry The Lost Girls Pressner, Amanda Beneath My Mother's Feet Qamar, Amjed * The Curse of the Romanovs Rabin, Staton Dreams of the Dead (The Waking, #1) Randall, Thomas Silent In The Grave Raybourn, Deanna The Dead Travel Fast Raybourn, Deanna Pirates! Rees, Celia * Fever Crumb Reeve, Philip Virals Reichs, Kathy Across the Universe Revis, Beth * Alis Rich, Naomi The Death Collector Richards, Justin Califia's Daughters Richards, Leigh Greywalker (Greywalker, #1) Richardson, Kat Vision in White (Bride Quartet #1) Roberts, Nora Montana Sky Roberts, Nora Ghost Warrior Robson, Lucia St. Clair Fearless Robson, Lucia St. Clair Thaw Roe, Monica Scream For Me (book #8) Rose, Karen The Hypnotist (The Reincarnationist, #3) Rose, M.J. * Sarah's Key Rosnay, Tatiana de * Divergent Roth, Veronica * The Snow Empress (Sano Ichiro, #12) Rowland, Laura Joh The Secret Adventures of Charlotte Brontë Rowland, Laura Joh The Fire Kimono (Sano Ichiro, #13) Rowland, Laura Joh The Way Of The Traitor Rowland, Laura Joh Dreamers of the Day Russell, Mary Doria The Dead-Tossed Waves (The Forest of Hands and Teeth, #2) Ryan, Carrie * Empress: A Novel Sa, Shan Captain Blood Sabatini, Rafael Captain Blood Sabatini, Rafael Scaramouche Sabatini, Rafael Magyk (Septimus Heap, #1) Sage, Angie The White Mary: A Novel Salak, Kira Love Walked In Santos, Marisa de los Anahita's Woven Riddle Sayres, Meghan Nuttall * Old Man's War (Old Man's War, #1) Scalzi, John * Cleopatra: A Life Schiff, Stacy Drowned Maidens Hair -Lib Schlitz, Laura Amy The School For Dangerous Girls Schrefer, Eliot Vampire Kisses: Blood Relatives, Volume I Schreiber, Ellen How to Draw Hip Hop (How to Draw Scott, Damion Something, Maybe Scott, Elizabeth * The Candidates (Delcroix Academy, #1) Scott, Inara * The King's Favorite: A Novel of Nell Gwyn and King Charles II Scott, Susan Holloway Graphic Design for Nondesigners: Essential Knowledge, Tips, and Tricks, Plus 20 Step-by-Step Projects for the Design Novice Seddon, Tony Between Shades of Gray Sepetys, Ruta * The Professor's Daughter Sfar, Joann The Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Pie Society Shaffer, Mary Ann Daughters of the Witching Hill Sharratt, Mary * Resistance: A Novel Sheers, Owen The Shape-Changer's Wife Shinn, Sharon Gateway Shinn, Sharon Beneath a Marble Sky Shors, John * Beside a Burning Sea Shors, John * Lost Girls: A Sherry Moore Novel Shuman, George D. Major Pettigrew's Last Stand Simonson, Helen * American Wife Sittenfeld, Curtis The Hunchback Assignments (The Hunchback Assignments, #1) Slade, Arthur * Lockdown (Escape From Furnace, #1) Smith, Alexander Gordon The King's Grace: A Novel Smith, Anne Easter I,Q Smith, Roland Flygirl Smith, Sherri L. Crown Duel Smith, Sherwood * The Next Thing on My List Smolinski, Jill The Forgotten Daughter Snedeker, Caroline Dale A Touch of Grace (Daughters of Blessing #3) Snelling, Lauraine Chasing the Secret (Sisters of the Sword, #2) Snow, Maya Sea Glass (Glass, #2) Snyder, Maria V. * Inside Out (Inside Out, #1) Snyder, Maria V. * Spy Glass (Glass, #3) Snyder, Maria V. * Storm Glass (Glass, #1) Snyder, Maria V. * What My Girlfriend Doesn't Know Sones, Sonya The Temple Dancer: A Novel of India Speed, John Quiver Spinner, Stephanie Confessions of the Sullivan Sisters Standiford, Natalie * Shiva's Fire Staples, Suzanne Fisher First Light Stead, Rebecca A Good Woman Steel, Danielle Big Girl Steel, Danielle The Art of Racing in the Rain Stein, Garth * Re-Bound: Creating Handmade Books from Recycled and Repurposed Materials Stein, Jeannine Heartless Stengl, Anne Elisabeth * Still Missing Stevens, Chevy * Lament: The Faerie Queen's Deception (Books of Faerie, #1) Stiefvater, Maggie * Forever (The Wolves of Mercy Falls, #3) Stiefvater, Maggie * Dies the Fire (Emberverse, #1) Stirling, S.M. Deadly Little Secret (Touch, #1) Stolarz, Laurie Faria The Amulet of Samarkand (Bartimaeus Trilogy, #1) Stroud, Jonathan The Twentieth Wife Sundaresan, Indu So This Is How It Ends (Avatars, #1) Sutherland, Tui T. The Pearl Diver Talarigo, Jeff The Fourth Queen: A Novel Taylor, Debbie Cook Yourself Thin: Skinny Meals You Can Make in Minutes Television, Lifetime X-Men: Misfits Vol. 1 Telgemeier, Raina * The Road Home Tenney, Tommy The Comet's Curse: A Galahad Book (Galahad, #1) Testa, Dom Farewell, My Queen: A Novel Thomas, Chantal Me & My Brothers, Vol. 1 Tokeino, Hari The Fellowship of the Ring (The Lord of the Rings, #1) (The Lord of the Rings, #1) Tolkien, J.R.R. The Swan Maiden Tomlinson, Heather * Toads and Diamonds Tomlinson, Heather * The Moon Riders Tomlinson, Theresa The Red Thread Townley, Roderick Moon Without Magic Tunnell, Michael O. Hands of My Father: A Hearing Boy, His Deaf Parents, and the Language of Love Uhlberg, Myron Montmorency: Thief, Liar, Gentleman? (Book 1) Updale, Eleanor The Shadow Thieves (Cronus Chronicles, #1) Ursu, Anne Steel Vaughn, Carrie * Buy Ketchup in May and Fly at Noon: A Guide to the Best Time to Buy This, Do That and Go There Vincenzo, Mark Di Hurricane Song Volponi, Paul * Girl in Hyacinth Blue Vreeland, Susan Bruises Vries, Anke de A Stopover in Venice Walker, Kathryn The Blind Contessa's New Machine Wallace, Carey Sketches Walters, Eric Numbers (Numbers, #1) Ward, Rachel * Ella: Princess, Saint and Martyr Warwick, Christopher Skinned (Skinned, #1) Wasserman, Robin Maid Marian Watson, Elsa * Miss Pettigrew Lives for a Day Watson, Winifred Captive Queen: A Novel of Eleanor of Aquitaine Weir, Alison The Rules of Survival Werlin, Nancy * Extraordinary Werlin, Nancy * Peeps Westerfeld, Scott Leviathan (Leviathan, #1) Westerfeld, Scott The Night Dance: A Retelling of "The Twelve Dancing Princesses" Weyn, Suzanne The Diamond Secret: A Retelling of "Anastasia" Weyn, Suzanne Empty Weyn, Suzanne Serenity Vol. 2: Better Days Whedon, Joss The Fetch Whitcomb, Laura The Chosen One Williams, Carol Lynch The Temptation of the Night Jasmine (Pink Carnation, #5) Willig, Lauren * The Betrayal of the Blood Lily (Pink Carnation, #6) Willig, Lauren * Before Green Gables Wilson, Budge The Poison Diaries (The Poison Diaries, #1) Wood, Maryrose Storm Thief Wooding, Chris Mairelon the Magician (Mairelon, #1) Wrede, Patricia C. Snow White and Rose Red Wrede, Patricia C. The Extraordinary Adventures of Alfred Kropp(Alfred Kropp, #1) Yancey, Rick Except the Queen Yolen, Jane My Enemy's Cradle Young, Sara The Replacement Yovanoff, Brenna * |
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